Lean Belly Breakthrough

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lose Belly Fat - Get A Flat Stomach, Slim Legs, Thin Thighs Once And For All

Submitted by: Dusan Varga

Millions of women get up in the morning, look in the mirror and see a belly larger than the one they want, love handles that were not there a few eye blinks before, thighs that have gotten thicker and flabby. And they wish there were a secret that would undo all the damage time and a hectic life have caused.

Are you one of them? Do you dream of losing belly fat, getting slim thighs, buns of steel? Or almost? Well, you can lose belly fat, get a flat stomach, slim legs, thighs, toned buns.
But not with diet fads.

If you're like most women, you've tried diets that deprived you of food, or of some foods, of life, you've tried ab machines and thigh exercise equipment and tons of other gizmos. Probably spent a small fortune on such things by now.

Here are four things to keep in mind when considering your next move if you don’t want to repeat the past:

1. You cannot out-exercise bad eating habits. It is unfortunate, but your body just cannot burn calories as fast as you can provide them. Even if you don’t try hard at providing them.

2. You lose weight faster if you exercise than if you do not. But most of the weight loss is going to come from changing eating habits.

3. You don't need anybody's program, though some of them make losing weight and getting fit easier. You need to do some investigating.

4. Being slim and fit is a daily business; you don't diet and exercise for a few weeks and then you're done. Another unfortunate fact. Wish it weren’t so. But it is, so don’t set it aside, not even for one day.

To make your eating and exercise changes permanent, it might be useful to remember the last time you were as thin and fit as you'd like to be now. How was your life like then? What were you doing? How active were you?

I am sure that comparing now and then will reveal to you that you had a different life style. Maybe you had fitness equipment in your home. Maybe you cooked more often. Maybe you did not buy sweets, only ate them when someone brought them to the office. Maybe you did other things differently.

In any case, you'll notice that your days were filled differently, that temptations were not within easy reach as often as they are now. And that the different actions you took, individually, don’t amount to much. But repeated over the course of weeks, they add up to a lot more you than you want. Happens to so many people: a bit of inattention, you get a habit, you get results you did not want.

Now, how much of that can you re-create? Maybe none, but you can still build a more active life, fill your home with less empty-calories foods.

We can't turn back time, but for most women that's not the main reason they don't lose the weight they want, don't get a flat stomach or thin, sexy legs. The main reason is they don't stick long enough with a new, good program. Or they do things partially, put off something till tomorrow. Or they pick unrealistic, unhealthy approaches.

Yes, losing weight and getting in shape is first about selecting something that can work for a long time, because being thin and shapely isn't about doing it once, for a few weeks, it's about doing it every day, forever.

So, to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach, no love handles, slim legs once and for all change your eating habits, don't just diet, and add exercise to your every day forever.

About the Author: Look, I know how it is to want to lose belly fat , and how it feels to exercise and diet and not lose an ounce. Ab machines help. So do some weight loss programs. Click on the links here because I want you to have what you need to get the body you want. Click here to lose belly fat now.

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=710838&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

More Articles:

1- 9 Proven Ways To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat - Prevention
Belly fat is maligned for its way of tampering with any outfit that doesn't involve a muumuu, but really there's something way worse about the stuff: When white fat expands in your abdomen, nestling deep among your organs, it sets you up for some serious health trouble....
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2- 20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science) - Authority Nutrition
Belly fat is more than just a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight. Fat inside the belly area is also termed visceral fat, and it is seriously harmful. This type of fat is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease, to name a few...
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3- The Truth About Belly Fat
Surprise: Everyone has some belly fat, even people who have flat abs. That's normal. But too much belly fat can affect your health in a way that other fat doesn't. Some of your fat is right under your skin. Other fat is deeper inside,...
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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Flat Belly Diet Warning - Case Study Reveals Major Doubts

Submitted by: Nick Brighton

The most recent nutritional fad is the Flat Belly Diet and the notion of "Belly Flattening Foods."

Lately there has been a lot of word of mouth about something known as the Flat Belly Diet that features foods that are supposed to be able to burn stomach fat. This belly fat - aka visceral fat - dwells within abdominal cavity and can surround and impact the function of internal organs, which makes stomach fat potentially more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is what constitutes the dreaded "spare tire" or "beer belly" that most people are long-familiar with.

The Flat Belly Diet was formulated in response to a study done in Spain where eleven overweight people who were progeny of diabetics, were fed 3 contrasting diets comprising of the equal amount of calories each with a different concoction of carbohydrates and fats. One diet was high in carbohydrates, one diet was high in saturated fats and one diet was high in monounsaturated fats. People spend 4-weeks on each diet.

According to Prevention Magazine the promoters of the Flat Belly Diet, researchers ascertained that the people who consumed the diet high in monounsaturated fats lost more weight without additional exercise. However, in interpreting conclusions published in the actual study, this statement is dubious. Here's what the study tells us, "RESULTS- Weight, body composition, and resting energy expenditure remained unaltered during the 3 sequential dietary periods."

And while the Flat Belly Diet puts forward that a diet high in monounsaturated fats cuts down weight and visceral fat, here's what is published in the study. "Using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry we observed that when patients were fed a CHO-enriched diet (carbohydrates), their fat mass was redistributed toward the abdominal depot, whereas periphery fat accumulation decreased compared with isocaloric MUFA-rich (monounsaturated fats) and high-SAT (saturated fats) diets."

What this signifies - despite the propaganda spread by the Flat Belly Diet - is that the monounsaturated and saturated fat diets resulted in less "stomach fat" accumulation than did the high carb diets. The researchers also clearly state that weight and body fat percentage were unaltered as a result of all 3 diet interventions.

Here is the conclusion as published in the study, "CONCLUSIONS- An isocaloric MUFA-rich diet prevents central fat redistribution and the postprandial decrease in peripheral adiponectin gene expression and insulin resistance induced by a CHO-rich diet in insulin-resistant subjects."

So despite the statements made by the advocators of the Flat Belly Diet, eating a diet high in monounsaturated fats had no effect on slimming or body fat percentage, and a diet high in saturated fats was just as effective as the monounsaturated diet in preventing visceral - belly - fat from accumulating. And these results were found in people who were overweight and the offspring of diabetes patients. Not exactly life changing results are they?

The inclusion of particular kinds of foods in this reduced calorie eating program does not alter the truth that the Flat Belly Diet is merely the most recent edition of an externally regulated, restrained eating program, simply another gimmick that applies exhausted, old, ill-conceived hope statements such as, "Eat and think your way thin."

You don't have to take my word for it, you can check out the abstract of the study for yourself. I've a tough time trusting the hype that circles the Flat Belly Diet given the way these results have been twisted. As a result, the Flat Belly Diet should be viewed as simply another diet, a diet - like all the rest - that is not deserving too much of your time or excitement.

Ultimately, and if you've read the facts over at my website, you'll understand that although these exercises might do some good for getting a flat stomach and possible six pack abs, there is no way that you'll get to that point with these exercises alone, and the good news is that it's not all about doing more exercises! It's ultimately about doing things smarter, not always harder...

You need to have a well balanced, concentrated diet along with a proven abs training program to see the best results in the quickest possible time. See http://secretsixpackabs.com/Which_abs_training_system_should_you_buy_.html for more details.

About the Author: To read more about how to get flat abs, and the 5 facts you MUST understand if you're ever going to see yourself with a flat stomach and sexy six pack abs, check out my website, Truth About Abs.

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=248361&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

More Articles:

1- 8 Food Swaps That Will Flatten Your Belly In A Week - Prevention.com
If your belly is sapping your body confidence, don't despair. The reason for your puffy midsection may well be bloat, not fat. That's because one of the worst culprits for this problem—a slow digestive system—is common among women over age 40. However, exciting research now suggests you can get your digestion moving and beat bloat with a few easy menu and lifestyle tweaks. ..
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2- The Flat Belly Diet - Webmd.com
Eat fat and lose weight. That's the promise of the Flat Belly Diet. Now for the fine print: The kind of fat matters. The plan focuses on monounsaturated fats, which you get from olive oil, nuts, and other plant foods. Authors Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, claim that in 32 days, you can lose up to 15 pounds and drop belly fat by following their plan...
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3- 50 stomach flattening foods - Glamour
If you want to really focus on your stomach area, these foods - alongside exercise - could help reduce bloat and help you stave off cravings...
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